Curriculum Vitae
NASA Postdoctoral Program (NPP) Fellow
Leading the ground control unit design for the Lunar Explorer Instrument for space biology Applications (LEIA) project, a part of the Artemis II lunar module.
BioSensor Payload data processing pipeline design and optimization.
Ph.D., Chemistry, Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia. (FINESST Grant)
Thesis: Quantitative Analysis Of Inorganic Chemical Species On An Impact-Penetrator Module.
M.S., Biomedical Engineering, San José State University (SJSU), California.
Thesis: Sensor Selection And Implementation For An Autonomous Experimental Evolution Biofluidics System.
B.Tech., Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, India.
Thesis: Virtual Instrumentation Based Fetal ECG Extraction.
Staff Scientist, NASA Ames Research center through Blue Marble Space Institute of Science. (07-09/2023).
Leading the ground control unit design for the Lunar Explorer Instrument for space biology Applications (LEIA) project, a part of the Artemis II lunar module.
BioSensor Payload data processing pipeline design and optimization.
Graduate Research Associate, NASA Ames Research Center, CA. (01-06/2023).
Data processing algorithm for ISS, Flight, and ground BioSensor data (on BioSentinel) for informed data for analysis. PI: Dr. Sergio Santa Maria and Dr. Diana Gentry
Technologist, Georgia Institute of Technology, GA. (10-12/2018).
Developed Capacitively Coupled Contactless Conductivity Detector (C4D) for microfluidic chip integration. Supervisor: Dr. Amanda Stockton
Graduate Researcher, NASA Ames Research Center, CA. (2017-2018).
Developed a set of embedded, wet-contact biochemical sensors for an automated cell culture microfluidic system designed to perform experimental evolution studies of microbes in space mission environments. Advisor: Dr. Diana Gentry
Research Assistant, Instrumentation Labs, Amrita School of Engineering, India. (2013-2015).
Developed Matlab and LabVIEW scripts for real-time acquisition and analysis of bio-electrical signals. Advisor: Dr. Sunitha Ram
Impactor and Penetrator Space Missions: A Review. Govinda Raj C, Stockton A, Icarus, In prep. 2023
A Comprehensive Review of Portable Contactless Conductivity Detectors and their Applications. Govinda Raj C, Stockton A, Sensors. In prep. 2023
Polymer-based Contactless Conductivity Detector for Europan Salts (PolyCODES). Govinda Raj C, Salyards P, McCoy C, Stockton A, Sensors and Actuators B, Submitted. 2023.
Fabrication protocol for PEDOT:PSS Contactless Conductivity Detector Electrodes. Govinda Raj C, Salyards P, McCoy C, Stockton A, Journal of Visual Experiments (JoVE), Accepted. 2023.
Early TRL development of the Microfluidic Inorganic Conductivity detector for Europa (MicroICE). Govinda Raj C, Odeh M, Salyards C, Stockton A, Icarus, Submitted. 2023.
Icy Moon Penetrator Organic Analyzer (IMPOA) Post-impact Component Analysis. Govinda Raj C, Cato M, Speller N , Duca Z, Kim J, Putnam P, Epperson J, Stockton A, Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 2022.
Stockton, A. M., M. Cable, C. M. Phillips-Lander, C. Bennett, C. Elbon, C. Govinda Raj, R. Guth-Metzler, M. Pasek, C. Pozarycki, K. M. Seaton, A. Simpson, E. Spiers, The Fermi Paradox and Astrobiology. In L. Johnson, and K. Roy (eds) Interstellar Travel (vol 1.): Purpose and Motivations. 2023.
Microfluidic Inorganic Conductivity detector for Europa (MicroICE) Using Capacitive Coupling. Govinda Raj C, Salyards C, Odeh M, Stockton A, 2022 IEEE Aerospace Conference (AERO), 2022, pp. 1-13, doi: 10.1109/AERO53065.2022.9843727
Icy Moon Penetrator Organic Analyzer (IMPOA) Impact Test Results. Cato M, Govinda Raj C, Speller N , Duca Z, Kim J, Putnam P, Epperson J, Stockton A, 2022 IEEE Aerospace Conference (AERO), 2022, pp. 1-11, doi: 10.1109/AERO53065.2022.9843680
Enduring High Impact -- An inorganic detector for the Icy Moon Penetrator Organic Analyzer (IMPOA). Govinda Raj C, Salyards C, Odeh M, Speller N , Cato M, Duca Z, Kim J, Putnam P, Epperson J, Stockton A, 25th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS), Palm Springs, CA., Manuscript# 8050. ISBN: 978-1-7334190-3-1. CBMS Catalog Number: 21CBMS-0001. 10/2021.
All for one and one for all: Recommendations for sustainable international lunar base utilization and exploration approaches. Batcha A, Govinda Raj C, Hume S, Kowalski, Meszaros A, Meyer A, Pino P, Poliaček M, Salmeri A, Shah J. International Astronautical Federation. Paper code: IAC-20,E3,1,x59226. (Virtual) 2020.
Virtual Instrumentation Based Fetal ECG Extraction. Govinda Raj C, Vepuri SH, Bojja SG, Ramachandran S. Procedia Computer Science 70:289-295, National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, India., 11/2015.
NASA Post-doctoral Program (NPP) Fellow, NASA Ames Research Center (2023-2025). Title: Development of ground instrumentation in support of a biological mission to the lunar surface. PI: Dr. Sergio Santa Maria.
Lewis and Clark Field Exploration Fund (2024), $5000. Title: Assessing Anthropogenic Contamination in Extreme Terrestrial Analog Environments: Mauna Kea Field Study. PI: Chinmayee Govinda Raj, Co-I: Diana Gentry.
Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology (FINESST) ROSES-19 program (2020-2023). $135,000. Title: Quantitative Compositional Analysis of Organic and Inorganic Chemical Species on an Icy Moon Penetrator Organic Analyzer. PI: Dr. Amanda Stockton.
Young Scientist Program Award, Blue Marble Space Institute of Science (2023). Title: Development of ground instrumentation in support of a biological mission to the lunar surface. Work carried out at NASA Ames Research Center, California. PI: Diana Gentry & Sergio Santa Maria.
NASA Astrobiology Early Career Collaboration Award (2022). $5000. Title: A Proof-of-Concept Study to Characterize Europan Salts via Micro-electrical Impedance Spectroscopy. Collaboration with Bioengineering & Instrumentation Group (BeInG) at NASA Ames Research Center, California.
Poster award; Career Research, and Innovation Development Conference (2022). $1500. Travel award funded by the Office of the Executive Vice President of Research, Georgia Tech.
Graduate Investigator, Ames Research Innovation Award (ARIA) (2021). $50,000. Title: Constraints on Methanogenesis in a Europan Ocean Analog. Collaborators: Diana Gentry, Niki Parenteau, Sanjoy Som, Amanda Stockton.
COVID-19 Disruption Graduate Research Grant, GA Tech (2021-2022). $10,876.50
Graduate Mentor, Bagwell Undergraduate Mentor Fellowship (2021). $5000. Title: Embracing Impact Using Conducting Polymers.
Georgia Tech School of Chemistry Department Research Grant (2021). $5400.
Poster award; Career Research, and Innovation Development Conference (2021). $1500. Travel award funded by the Office of the Executive Vice President of Research, Georgia Tech.
Graduate Mentor; Nakatani Research and International Experience for Students (RIES) (2020). $6000
Travel Grant; Europa Lander Mission Concept, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California (2020); $1800.
Poster award; American Society for Gravitational and Space Research, CO (2019). $500.
Poster award; Space Innovations Symposium, GA (2019). $500.
Travel Grant, Student Govt. Association & College of Sciences, Georgia Tech, GA (2019). $500.
Travel Grant, Sole awardee, Malisetti Foundation - Space Generation Council and International Astronautical Federation, Washington DC (2019). $1500.
Travel Grant, Astrobiology Graduate Conference, UT (2019). $500.
Travel Grant, American Geophysical Union, Washington DC (2018). $500.
Dean’s Award, Outstanding Student Award, Top 2% GPA in the department, India. (2015)
Dean’s Award, Academic Excellence Award, India. (2012)
Proposal Manager, 34th Planetary Science Summer School (Virtual), NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, CA. (2022).
Future of the Search for Life Workshop (Virtual). (2022). Hosted by NASA Network for Life Detection (NfoLD) and NASA Ames Research Center, CA.
Caltech Space Challenge -- Titan Sample Return, Caltech, CA. (2022).
Biosignature Standards of Evidence for Life Detection Workshop. (2021) Hosted by NASA Network for Life Detection (NfoLD) and the NASA Nexus for Exoplanet System Science (NExSS) (Virtual)
In Situ Science and Instrumentation Workshop for the Exploration of Europa and Ocean Worlds, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Virtual). (2020-2021).
Integration of Life Sciences in Space: A Virtual Workshop, NASA ARC, CA. (2020).
Space Exploration Workshop, Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, Washington, DC. (2019).
Proposal Writing Retreat, Astrobiology Graduate Conference, UT. (2019).
Astrobiology Project Excellence (APEx) Program, NASA Ames Research Center, CA. (2018).
Content developer, Life Detection Knowledge Base, Structures Group (Virtual). (2021).
Executive Secretary and Reviewer, NASA Proposal Panels (2x, Virtual). (2020).
Reviewer, Astrobiology Graduate Conference, Earth Life and Science Institute (ELSI), Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan. (2020).
Reviewer, President’s Undergraduate Research Award (PURA) Proposals, Georgia Tech., GA. (2020).
Rapporteur/Moderator, NASA Exploration Group, Space Generation Advisory, Washington D.C. (2019).
High impact engineering: The future of search for life; Amrita School of Engineering (Alma mater), India. (2022).
Engineering Applications to Past and Future Attempts at Life Detection; Astrobiology ExplOrigins Summer Series, Georgia Tech (Virtual). (2020).
Extreme Biochemistry Through Automation; Georgia Tech., GA. (2019).
Ocean Worlds Habitability and Exploration; Planetary Science & Astrobiology Seminar, Georgia Tech., GA. (2019).
Engineering the Search for Life; International Astrobiology Conference, India (Virtual). (2018).
Microbial Optical Data Processing: A Key Step in the Metabolic Assessment of Lunar Explorer Instrument for space biology Applications (LEIA) and BioSentinel’s Payload Data. Govinda Raj C, Ball N, Chou J, Gentry D, Gilbert R, Liddel L, Settles A, Santa Maria S. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Gravitational and Space Research, Abstract ID# 212. Washington, DC, 11/2023. Submitted.
Microbial Vessel for Impedance Spectroscopy and Electrochemistry (MVISE): An Extensible, Interoperable Data Acquisition Platform for Liquid Culture Studies in Space Biology Research. Lantin S, Govinda Raj C, Schmidt N, Walsh D, Santa Maria S, Gentry D. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Gravitational and Space Research, Abstract ID# 311. Washington, DC, 11/2023. Submitted.
LEIA: An investigation of radiation risks to biology at the lunar south pole. Settles A, Ball N, Broddrick J, Chau J, Ehresmann B, Acevedo J, Govinda Raj C, Heffern L, Hindupur A, James L, Lee J, Liddel L, Timucin L, Vu S, Pletcher D, Hassler D, Santa Maria S. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Gravitational and Space Research,. Washington, DC, 11/2023. Submitted.
The Solenoid-based Actuator Assembly for Impact Penetrators (SIP): A Miniature Microfluidic Sample Router for Impact Penetrators. Govinda Raj C, Odeh M, Salyards C,Stockton A, American Geophysical Union. Paper#: P53A-08. Chicago, IL, 12/2022.
A Simulated Europan Ocean Analog for Real-Time Measurements of Methanogenesis. LeCates C, Govinda Raj C, Som S, Parenteau M, Stockton A, Gentry D, Astrobiology Science Conference. 2022.
The Microfluidic Inorganic Conductivity detector for Europa (MicroICE): A miniature microfluidic sample router and detector for impact penetrators. Govinda Raj C, Stockton A, Astrobiology Science Conference. Abstract ID 1026440. Paper# 406-06. Atlanta, GA, 2022.
Contactless conductivity detector for an icy ocean world impactor. Govinda Raj C, Salyards C, Odeh M, Speller N, Cato M, Duca Z, Kim J, Putnam P, Epperson J, Stockton A. Astrobiology Graduate Conference. (Virtual) 09/2021.
Analytical Instrumentation techniques for the Icy Moon Penetrator Organic Analyzer. Govinda Raj C, Speller N, Cato M, Duca Z, Kim J, Putnam P, Epperson J, Stockton A. American Geophysical Union, Abstract ID#: 707738. (Virtual) 12/2020.
Automating the Study of Microbial Adaptation Dynamics On and Off the ISS. Dhami O, Griffis K, Hergenrader C, Govinda Raj C, Singh V, Wang J, Gentry D. 36th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Gravitational and Space Research, Abstract ID# 126. (Virtual) 09/2020.
Studying Microbial Adaptation in the Laboratory: Sensor & Control Upgrades for an Experimental Evolution Biofluidics System. Hergenrader C, Griffis K, Govinda Raj C, Dhami O, Wang J, Singh V, Gentry DM. American Geophysical Union, Abstract ID#: 753959. (Virtual) 12/2020.
Science Instrument System for Vertical Entry Robot for Navigating Europa. Chivers C, Hanna A, Govinda Raj C, Spiers E, Tomar Y. Space Innovations Symposium, Atlanta, GA, 11/2019.
Embedded Contactless Sensor System for Enhancing in-situ Physicochemical Analytical Capabilities on Icy-moons. Govinda Raj C, Speller N, Stockton A. Abstract #172, 35th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Gravitational and Space Research, Denver, CO., 11/2019
Adapting Microbial Experimental Evolution Methods for Microgravity Studies. Gentry DM (presenting author), Govinda Raj C, Dhami O, Tayeb A, Wang J. Abstract #212, 35th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Gravitational and Space Research, Denver, CO., 11/2019.
Real-time Autonomous Instrumentation for Lab-based Microbe Experimental Evolution. Govinda Raj C, Bake A, Tayeb A, Ludman C, Joshi P, Wang J, Gentry DM. Astrobiology Graduate Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, 07/2019.
Employing Automated Experimental Evolution to Understand Survival Strategies of Lab-grown Extremophiles. Govinda Raj C, Bake A, Tayeb A, Ludman C, Joshi P, Wang J, Gentry DM. Astrobiology Science Conference, Bellevue, Washington, 06/2019.
Enabling Experimental Evolution: Multi-parameter Sensor System Integration into a Culture/Stressor Bio-fluidics System. Govinda Raj C, Bake A, Tayeb A, Ludman C, Joshi P, Wang J, Gentry DM. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington D.C., 12/2018.
Sensor Selection and Implementation for an Autonomous Experimental Evolution Bio-fluidics System. Govinda Raj C, Bake A, Tayeb A, Wang J, Gentry DM. Abstract #110, 34th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Gravitational and Space Research, Baltimore, MD., 10/2018.
DragonCon, Atlanta, GA. (2021). Volunteer for the Space Track talks.
Instructor, An Evening of Wonder, Stonecrest library, GA. (2019).
Instructor, Astrobiology Graduate Conference Outreach, Univ. of Utah, UT. (2019). Interacted with the general public discussing NASA missions.
Lead, Marketing team, Biomedical Engineering Society, SJSU, CA. (2015-2017).
Instructor, CommUniverCity for highschoolers, San José, CA. (2015).
President, Science and Humanities Association, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, India. (2013-2014).
Bioengineering and Instrumentation Group (BeING), NASA Ames Group
Network for Life Detection (NfoLD)
American Society for Gravitational and Space Research (ASGSR)
American Geophysical Union (AGU)
Georgia Institute of Technology ExplOrigins Group
General Chemistry 1310, Summer, GA Tech., GA. (2020).
Physical Chemistry 3481, Spring, GA Tech., GA. (2020).
Chemical Principles-I 1211K, Fall, GA Tech., GA. (2019).
Biomaterials, Master’s course, Spring, SJSU, CA. (2018).
Mathematical methods in Biomedical Engineering, Master’s course, Fall, SJSU, CA. (2017).
Kayla Bryant, 2024, US Army, NASA Ames Research Center, CA
Aidan Kihm, Summer 2024, NASA ARC SLSTP, Aeronautical Engineering (Junior)
Madeline Rozmajzl, 2024, Biomedical engr., NASA Ames Research Center, CA
Anna Edens, 2024, NASA Ames Research Center, CA
Dylan Walsh, Summer 2023, Biochemistry (Senior), NASA Ames Research Center, CA.
Stephen Lantin, Summer 2023, PhD Student, NASA Ames Research Center, CA
Rithvik Nagarajan, Fall 2022 and Spring 2023, Aerospace Engineering (Junior), GA Tech, GA
Thien Duy B Chen, Spring 2022, Chemistry (Junior), GA Tech, GA
Carmen Woodruff, Spring 2022, Chemistry (Junior), GA Tech, GA
Chloe Lecates, Summer 2021-2022, Chemistry (Junior), GA Tech, GA
Peyton Salyards, Fall 2021, Bagwell Scholar, Chemistry (Senior), GA Tech, GA
Catherine McCoy, Fall 2021, Wheeler Intern, High Schooler, GA Tech, GA
Grace Gentner, Fall 2021, High Schooler, GA Tech, GA
Cambrie Salyards, Summer 2021, Chemistry (Junior), GA Tech, GA
Mohamed Odeh, Summer 2021, Chemistry (Senior), GA Tech, GA
Naka Ida, Nakatani Research and International Experience for Students (RIES 2020-2021) Program (Virtual) Scholar, B.S. Chemistry, Hokkaido University, Japan
Ali-Imran Tayeb, Summer 2018, Mechanical engr., (Senior), NASA Ames Research Center, CA
Purva Joshi, Summer 2018, High Schooler, NASA Ames Research Center, CA
Carrie Ludman, Spring 2018, Biology (Senior), NASA Ames Research Center, CA
Aryamitra Bake, Spring 2018, Mechanical engr., (Junior), NASA Ames Research Center, CA